Public Presentation of Battle Within Bench - Happy Veteran's Day
SUFFOLK 3 months ago

On behalf of the DDGM, R:.W:. Robert J. Licata:


I would first like to wish all those who have served in the Armed Forces a Happy Veteran's Day.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Suffolk Masonic District will be dedicating another "Battle Within Foundation" Bench at the West Sayville Golf Course 200 Montauk Highway, West Sayville NY 11706 on November 15th at 11:00 AM. The bench will be located on the path overlooking the Lt. Michael P Murphy Navy Seal Memorial Park. Lt. Murphy lost his life defending our Great Country. This bench will also be dedicated the Suffolk Masonic War Veterans Post #23 for their service to our country and continued service to the Suffolk Masonic District.
I look forward to greeting all who are able to join us for this dedication.

I apologize for such a short notification, but we had to work around other activates and time frames. I would like to thank W:. Terry Maccarrone for his amazing efforts, over the past year, on getting approval from the Town of Islip as well as Suffolk County Parks Department.