Grand Lecturers Convention - Dec. 6, 2023 - Avon Springs #570
LETCHWORTH 11 months ago


Just a reminder for the Grand Lecturers Convention, Wednesday, December 6, 2023, to be held at Avon Springs Lodge No. 570, (11 Genesee Street, Avon NY). We will have dinner at 5:30 PM, Lodge to start promptly at 7:00. The restaurant is directly below the Lodge, We must have your  RSVP by the end of Saturday the second. Respond to me at 585-322-3654 by text or call. Or  to W. Brian Ossont at 585-704-5543, text or call. I will get a hard count from all those at practice Saturday at Olive Branch Lodge at 9:00 AM (coffee and donuts at 8:30, please go directly into the Lodge room as there may be another group using the dining area). See you then and any questions please call, Let's see how many Potts awards we can achieve around the District. From our Grand Lecturer, Gung-ho

 Sincerely and Fraternally, RW Henry Robinson AGL & VW Mike Davis AGL; Letchworth Masonic District