Fairport Flower City Lodge no. 476 presented "The Peacemakers"
Finger Lakes #0139 9 months ago

On March 11, 2024 "The Peacemakers" was presented by the Valley of Rochester A.A.S.R. at Fairport Flower City Lodge.  It was well attended. 

The setting of the drama is the Civil War era, 1865. The long and terrible Civil War was at last nearing its end.  Lincoln had just recently given his second inaugural address and  spoke of "...malice toward none, with charity for all." The drama portrayed the meeting of the four peacemakers (President Lincoln, General Grant, General Sherman and Admiral Porter) and their discussions regarding what they witnessed and thoughts regarding how to proceed.

The cast image left to right are: 

Jeremiah Clark who portrayed John Hay

John Lemke who portrayed President Lincoln

Robert Kimmel who portrayed General Grant

Michael Simmons who portrayed General Sherman

Jamie Kaim who portrayed Admiral Porter

Peter Cormac - Prologue and Epilogue

Maureen Reding - Violinist and Introduction

In the picture of the four peacemakers, you see through the window, a rainbow.  It is of course a sign.  The peacemakers with the rainbow in the background must be a sign of a bright future, almost a promise of a better tomorrow.  With the hearts and minds of these leaders set on mercy and brotherly love we all have the real hope of a great and special American future.  A future, for all those who  work for it, from that time to the present.  If the future, after that terrible war could be depicted with such promise, we can no doubt today be as confident of our future, no matter what the trial to come, if we are guided by mercy and brotherly love.