Charitable Giving Opportunities (Albany Masonic Temple)
Mount Vernon #0003 11 months ago

Good Morning Brothers:


Just a brief note to apprise you of two charitable giving opportunities that are available at our Lodge building. The first is a food drive being sponsored by Masters Lodge No. 5, F. & A.M. which benefits the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and the second is a toy drive being sponsored jointly by Ancient Temple Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Masons and Confetti Stage. The former is soliciting donations of non-perishable food items, while the latter is looking for toys that are both unopened and unwrapped. 


If it is within your capabilities to donate to either or both of these worthy causes, I would certainly encourage you to make such a donation. You will find boxes (clearly marked) located at the Lodge building, near the entrances. 


As always please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.


Sincerely & Fraternally,

Worshipful Michael A. Hernandez, Secretary

Mount Vernon Lodge No. 3, F. & A.M.