Grand Master Rubin's Election and Veterans Day Message

Dear Brethren and Friends of Freemasonry,


The very beginning of the month of November observes two of the most important acts and obligations of citizenry, which we as patriotic and country-loving Americans exemplify. The first is the exercise of one’s right to Vote; and the second is paying homage, respect and gratitude on Veteran’s Day to the men and women who serve or have served in our Military to protect our beloved Freedoms.

The priceless entitlement and duty of casting one’s vote is a singular right guaranteed by our Constitution and safeguarded by the men and women who serve or have served in the Armed Forces of our Great Nation. On this important note regarding voting and the elections, let me reiterate the lesson taught through the charges found in our sacred Masonic Ritual, which instruct each of us to conform and dutifully comply with the legal authority of our country with patience and cheerfulness as a good citizen. As Masons, we are always and everywhere to maintain a dignified outward demeanor.


Paramount within the teachings of our Craft is the concept that no community can protect character where petty strife and bitter disagreements are allowed to derail friendships or cause irreputable harm to the brotherhood. It has been said that “in union is strength and in harmony is peace.” Remember that each of us has a duty through our personal actions to preserve the reputation of the Masonic Fraternity as unblemished and pure. This responsibility is carried throughout your daily life, both within the Lodge and outside the Lodge, including on Social Media, Facebook, Text Messaging, Voice Mail and all forms of communication. As a Mason, you were given a cherished name, which is “Brother”. Use it wisely and lovingly.


As noted above, the second obligation as a good citizen is the observance of Veterans Day. Historically, at the end of World War One after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, France calling for the cessation of hostilities on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month, our President at the time, Thomas Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th to be a day of reflection known as Armistice Day saying, “…To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…”

Alas, the “War to End All Wars” was quickly followed on its heels by yet another World War that proved to be more extreme and devastating than the first. During the throes of World War II, then President and Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt, wrote a personal letter that was delivered to every soldier and sailor in the U.S. Expeditionary Force as they were about to storm the beaches of North Africa. Within that heart-felt letter, President Roosevelt said in part, “You have embarked for distant places where the war is being fought. Upon the outcome depends the freedom of your lives: the freedom of the lives of those you love your fellow- citizens – your people.

Never were the enemies of freedom more tyrannical, more arrogant, more brutal. Yours is a God-fearing, proud, courageous people, which, throughout its history has put its freedom under God before all other purposes…”

Our own Masonic Ritual touches upon this narrative reminding the advancing brother about the acts and deeds of his fellow citizens, those soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen who embraced their country with heroic valor and sublime devotion, amidst canon fire and the carnage of battle, offering the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedoms we all hold dear.

Following in the wake of World War II, and realizing that Armistice Day was created in commemoration of the men and women who fought in WWI, President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954 issued a Proclamation changing the name to Veterans Day to encompass those who fought in all wars stating in part: “In order to insure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all Veterans, all Veterans’ organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose…”

Addressing the Nation on Veterans Day in 2019, then President Donald J. Trump, now our President-elect, shared his thoughts on that day saying, “…As we celebrate Veterans Day, we pause to recognize the brave men and women who have fearlessly and faithfully worked to defend the United States and our freedom. Their devotion to duty and patriotism deserves the respect and admiration of our grateful Nation each and every day… As Americans, it is our sacred duty to care for and support those who have shown courage and conviction in selfless service to our country…”

“I humbly thank our veterans and their families for their willingness to answer the call of duty and for their unwavering love of country. Today, we pledge always to fight for those who have fought for us, our veterans, who represent the best of America. They deserve our prayers, our unending support, and our eternal gratitude.”

In closing, I together with our Deputy Grand Master, RW Robert L. Hogan, Jr., and the Grand Lodge wish to thank all the members of this time-honored institution we call Freemasonry for your continued support and love for our Craft and this wonderful freedom loving country we affectionately call the United States of America. It’s called Brotherhood!

With fraternal love,

Steven Adam Rubin

Grand Master

 GM 1 Election & Veteran Day Message PAGE 1

GM 2 Election Veterans Day Message PAGE 2