The Masonic Culture Class - Leadership Academy

Message from the Grand Master:


"July 16, 2024

My Brothers,

During the tail end of the pandemic, I zoomed in on a number of outstanding programs in the Masonic Culture Class Series, hosted by the 7th Manhattan District and managed by two wonderful brothers, W John Santana and Bro. David Mediano. The programs were thoughtful and engaging and I could see their benefit for every Brother, but especially a Brother headed for the East. Along the way we picked up RW Oren Kutowski, RW Brian Finger, RW Anthony Kofi Osei-Tutu, RW Tim Rios and Team Leader RW James Gregg. All current District Deputies or Staff Officers. I am so grateful for their hard work, dedication and passion as I am now 
able to announce the Masonic Culture Class Series under the new Masonic Leadership Academy, that will complement the instruction found in the 24-inch Gauge, Road to the East and Masonic Development Course. 

Our first course offering: Crafting the Perfect Trestle Board, will air Monday July 29, 2024 at 7:30pm via ZOOM. It is the first, in a series of new educational programming, conducted over ZOOM, that will enhance the officer and member experience. This series was crafted by Brothers for Brothers and compliments the instruction found in the 24-inch-gauge and supports Worshipful Masters in customizing their trestle boards to meet the specific needs of their Brethren. 

Please see the FLYERS attached for Registration and Schedule Details.

With Kind Fraternal Love, 

MW Steven Adam Rubin

Grand Master"