My Beloved Brethren:
I write this email to you with tears in my eyes. Today we mark with solemn hearts that a Master Mason's seat stands empty among us. Our Brother Albert DiGiantomasso has set down his working tools for the final time, departing his earthly temple for greater works above. Through his devoted labors in our Craft, he learned to shape his very self as our forebears shaped stone - removing imperfection, seeking truth's level, and testing all against the square of virtue. His patient work and steadfast faith prepared him, like a perfect ashlar, for his place in that grand spiritual edifice - the Celestial Lodge, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides in eternal glory.
Though his chair sits vacant in our earthly temple, we trust that he now dwells in that house not fashioned by mortal hands, having passed through the inner door by the signs and grips of our ancient craft. Al loved this lodge and loved his brothers as he told me time and time again.
In speaking with Al's wife Lorraine, Al passed peacefully in his sleep on Thursday Morning. Funeral Arrangements are in the works, but the venue is very small and only a few of us may be able to attend. This may be as soon as Wednesday or Thursday, I will keep everyone posted. Lorraine informed me that their wishes are not to have a Masonic Funeral, but rather have us remember Brother Al in lodge at our next stated communication.
Brother Al was born July 28th, 1943, he was initiated at Publicity 1000 on January 7th, 2008, Passed March 3rd, 2008 and Raised April 7th, 2008. We were blessed to have him as a member of Publicity Lodge No. 1000 for almost 17 years.
We send our deepest condolences to his family, friends and loved ones.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Eric Drucker |Secretary
C: 631.445.7778
Publicity Lodge No. 1000 of Free & Accepted Masons