Dear Brothers,
Master’s Lodge #5 is hosting our first annual blood drive on Monday February 3, 2025 1PM-5PM at The Albany Masonic Temple. We have been told by the Red Cross that all blood types are urgently needed. Statistically, you can save three lives by donating blood.
This is part of our larger outreach to the community and organizations that provide lasting and ongoing efforts to support people in need, whether it be addressing food insecurity or supplying blood during times of crisis.
To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767 or go to and enter sponsor code: AlbanyMasons. You can also copy and paste this link:
Donors need to be 16 years or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Other relevant documents are attached, including a flyer you can post in your workplace, share with friends and family, and another where you can expedite your appointment by going through the screening process. You can copy this link for more detailed information.
This is a great opportunity to help give back to our community.
In addition to the Blood Drive, we are looking for brothers who can help volunteer that day from 11:30AM-5PM. If you can help please contact Br. Anton Konev at
W:. Philip Aydinian