Announcing New York Masonic Con
Grand Lodge of New York about 1 month ago

From: Brother J. Hochberg = CONTACT:

Tickets are on sale for Masonic Con New York at Masonic Hall in New York City on the weekend of January 17. Built around the theme “Freemasonry in the 21st Century: Self and Society,” this is a Masonic Con with a mission.

We will showcase experts discussing the urgency of Masonic teachings and the importance of Brotherhood in our lives and communities. If you are familiar with the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent study on the epidemic of male loneliness, or with the many news reports on this problem, you may wish to hear from our speakers and glean ideas for preparing for Freemasonry’s future.

The weekend will begin the evening of Friday, January 17 with the legendary Mariners Lodge 67 Maritime Festive Board and Beefsteak Banquet inside our spacious Grand Lodge Room at 6 p.m. If you have yet to experience it, prepare to be amazed by the camaraderie of Masonic feasting and singing in harmony. On Saturday the eighteenth, the speakers program, open to the public, will begin at 9 a.m. Keynote speaker Maj. Gen. William Green, Jr., the U.S. Army’s Chief of Chaplains, will speak to America’s loneliness epidemic and man’s need for fraternal connections in life.

Additional featured Speakers:

  • Dr. Heather Calloway, Executive Director of Indiana University’s Center for Fraternal Collections and Research, will discuss “Timeless Bonds: The Cultural Relevance of Fraternal Orders in the United States.”
  • Bro. Bull Garlington, of Illinois, is famous for his journalistic essays on how he overcame loneliness in adulthood by discovering Freemasonry. He will present “Generation Z’s Search for Accomplishment, Authenticity, and Meaning.”
  • Bro. Michael LaRocco, Executive Director of our Livingston Library, will share his expertise in “Freemasonry: The Craft of Self Actualization, a Western Path to Enlightenment.”
  • Bro. Jim Loporto will close the speakers program with his dramatic presentation “The Elephant in the Room.” This will be open only to regular Freemasons—and we especially encourage Apprentices, Fellows, and new Master Masons to experience it.

And we’ll have tours of Masonic Hall and the Livingston Library, Masonic vendors, and plenty of opportunities to meet brethren from around New York and beyond.

We will close Masonic Con with a special cocktail reception, where attendees can mingle with our guest speakers and Grand Lodge leadership while also supporting New York’s Brotherhood Fund 1781 Society.

For tickets to these three events, visit