The newly formed Masonic Lodge, Raquette River #847, Free & Accepted Masons, was created by the merger of Mount Sabattis #1015 (Long Lake) and Mount Arab #847 (Tupper Lake). Raquette River Lodge is able to invest funds with the Adirondack Foundation. They are awarding scholarships to local high school graduates looking towards trades education and supporting a chosen student through their four-year college degree. Grants have been given to community activities that have helped flood victims. The Lodge supports the Masonic Medical Research Institute with regular donations each year. The Raquette River Lodge meets monthly at its room over the Long Lake Library. L-R Carl Turner, Secretary, Jim Swedberg, Past Master, Bruce Jennings, Treasurer, George Graton, Master, James Piraino, Chairman

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2/3/2025: WB Metal Drew, The Master's Wages: Examining Corn, Wine and Oil
2/10/2025: RWB Rev. Kanji Cederman, Square and Compass, Mind and Buddha
2/17/2025: WB Nathan St. Pierre, Harmony in the Hive: A Vibrant Vision for Freemasonry’s Future
2/24/2025: Craftsmen Online Reading Room with John Nagy
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