Sad Tidings - Sister Nancy Costello has passed

From: secretary lakecity127 <>

Date: December 5, 2024 at 4:43:39 PM EST

My Brother, It is my sad duty to pass long the passing of our dear friend Sister Nancy Costello as passed away.   See the message from Sister Natalie Woodall below.


Thanks & Fraternally...

W\ Michael Regan

Secretary Lake City Lodge #127

Cell (315) 591-3827

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Natalie J <>

My dear brothers:  It is my sad duty to inform you that our sister, Nancy Costello, died in St. Joseph's Hospital on December 3, 2024.  Funeral details are not available at this time.  I will have more information next week.  I have already contacted Eric in another message.  Natalie J. Woodall, secretary