
We would like to fill you in on our long history here;

We begin with the history of St. John’s Lodge 22 F. & A. M.

Undoubtedly, planning for our Lodge started in the late 1700’s since the first charter was requested on September 3, 1800. Grand Lodge lost the first petition and a second was requested on November 18, 1801. On February 20th,1802 we received charter as # 90, and on June 2, 1802, the Lodge was duly organized. We approved merging withFriendship Lodge No 118. From June 2, 1802 to December 31, 1802, degrees were conferred on 17 candidates. The Lodge first met in the Garret (third floor) of St. John’s Tavern. The building is still standing. The Lodge opened at 2:00 p.m. and often continued well into the night hours. 
1804- Celebrated St. John’s Day with Franklin Lodge.
1806- We approved formation of Rising Sun Lodge in Northumberland.
1811- Approved petition to establish Luzerne Lodge and lent them $100.00.
1815-First record of having a G.L. officer visit the Lodge. He was Ebenezer Wadsworth, who, in 1825 is recorded as Grand Visitor.
1816- October 1st, first meeting held in the new location, the Universalist Church, in Porters Corners.
1821- Agreed to petition requesting Rising Sun Lodge No. 185 be moved to Saratoga Springs. It was this year that there is the first record of our Lodge sending a representative to the G.L.
1823- A Masters Carpet was purchased for $20.00. In 1825 this was exchanged for a carpet containing an Ark. (This is the painting now hanging in our current Lodge ante room on Hyde Blvd.) Cost of wood for the year was 75 cents and cost of candles for lighting, $2.00.  Approved Lodge No. 446 in Corinth. (Disbanded in 1826)
1825- March 4, 1825, St. Johns Chapter No 103, R.A.M. was organized, and St. Johns Mark Master Lodge No. 26 went out of existence. Corinth Lodge No. 446 was chartered. 
From 1826 until 1840, activities were limited.
1840- June 10, Lodge opened as St. Johns Lodge No.22, F.& A.M.. Our old No 90 was given to Brothers from the discontinued Friendship No 118 and Franklin No. 37, for a new Franklin No.90. This change was made by G.L. and did not affect the original charter. (Chartered June 3, 1842)
1849- Officers: John St. John,W.M.; J. Rockwell, S.W.; P. Johnson, J.W.; J. Blackleach, Sec.; J. Vail, Treas.; B. Worden, S.D.; D. Hicks, J.D.; F.Weed and A. Chatfield, Stews.
1850-John S. Weed appointed to inform Masonic Convention at Albany on February 7, 1851 that St. Johns Lodge had approved resolution to establish a Masonic Asylum. This is what we now know as the Masonic Home in Utica, NY, where first guest was received May1, 1893.
1867- Approval was given to establish a new Lodge in Corinth known as Corinth Lodge No. 683.
1869-St. Johns Lodge No.22, F. &A.M. was incorporated.
1870- Lodge property purchased for $912.50. Moved into new Lodge Rooms on January 19th and held first meeting.
1889- Approval given again to establish Lodge at Luzerne and to establish a Masonic District to include Essex and Clinton Counties.
1891- Representative sent to Utica for cornerstone laying ceremonies for the New Masonic Home, which was dedicated October 5, 1892.
1900- Signed for establishment of Gansevoort Lodge.
1921- Approval given for the establishing a new Lodge in Corinth. This Lodge was organized in 1922 as Corinth Lodge No. 987. At that time 82 members transferred from St. Johns Lodge No.22 to the new Lodge.
1925-Lodge building was wired for electricity.
1962- We celebrated then 160th anniversary of the Lodge. Following a broiled steak dinner served to about 125 members and visitors an address was delivered by the Past Junior Grand Warden and present Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge. 
1965- William H. Atwood was appointed District Deputy Grand Master; only the second Brother from our Lodge to receive this honor.
1979- Harold Vanderwalker was appointed District Deputy Grand Master. He had a fine year capped with his homecoming dinner at the Lodge on April1, 1980. Francis Harrington received a Dedicated Service Award and Apron.

2017- November 6th, Unity Lodge #22 mergered with Franklin Lodge #90 to become Franklin Lodge #22. Our meeetings are now held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays.

Many Brothers have helped with this history, from Secretary to Secretary, who carefully logged the minutes of each meeting to those who actually contributed to this brief history: Arthur I. Bumstead, Stuart Sturgess, Clayton Brown, Mrs. Francis William, Terry A, Morgan (his wife Sandra and daughter Elizabeth)

Now we present what we have for the Old Franklin Lodge.

       Franklin Lodge #90 Free and Accepted Masons is located in the village of Ballston Spa, Saratoga County, New York.

       In reviewing the history of Freemasonry in this vicinity, we find that in 1794, during the Presidency of George Washington, a number of Masons met at a private house in the Town of Ballston. On the 16th day of May, in the same year, the Grand Lodge of the State of New York granted a charter to Franklin Lodge #37. This original charter was issued to John Taylor, Beriah Palmer, Henry Carl , Jr. and six others. For a long time they met in the residence, on the South-West corner opposite the present church at Ballston Center. Later a Lodge building was built a short distance to the South.  Meetings of this old Lodge were held in that building, which grew to 162 members, until 1834, when the warrant was forfeited.

       About 10 years subsequent to the establishment of Franklin lodge number 37, on September 24,1804, a number of fraternity met at the residence of William G. Boss, in the Town of Milton, the locality known as Milton Hill, a short distance South of Milton Center, and organized a Lodge, which received a charter from the Grand Lodge March 22,1805, with the title of Friendship Lodge #118. For many years meetings continued to be  held in the Boss House. Several plans were put forth to build a Lodge Building , but none materialized. 1811 the Lodge moved to the inn of Silas Wood. Still later held its communications in a room of the Gregory and Hawkins somewhere between Factory Village and Milton Center. In 1821, the Lodge was moved to Ballston Spa where regular communications were held at the Village Hotel, later the Medberry Hotel, until 1835, when the charter was surrendered and never afterward revived. On the membership roll of this Lodge we find the names of many brethren who afterward became active and useful members of Franklin Lodge #90.

       For a period of seven years, from 1835 to 1842, there was no Masonic organization in the village. On June 3, 1842 the charter which Franklin Lodge #90, now works, was granted by the Grand Lodge. The first officers of the newly formed Franklin Lodge #90 were: William Saunders - Master, William Hawkins- S.W., and Joseph Jennings- J.W. Nearly all of the members of Franklin Lodge #37 and Friendship Lodge #118, became members of the new Lodge, which has maintained its regular community involvement in this village until the present time.

       The regular meetings in the village were first held in a second story room of the old Saratoga and Rensselaer Railroad Depot. It stood on Bath Street, just south of the tracks. At this tike Franklin only had just 17 members. A year later they moved to the Thompson Building, on the South West Corner of Front and Bath Streets. In 1861 they made an arrangement with the Kayaderosseras Lodge # 17 IOOF and moved to Milton Avenue and shared a space which later became Buchdahl's clothing store. In 1869 a ten year lease was obtained for a room at the Southwest corner of Front and Low Streets over Morrissey's Store on Front Street. The members soon out grew the space and began looking around.

       On January 7th, 1954 they purchased the L'Amoreau Home at 199 Milton Avenue. On November 18,1954 the first meeting was held at the new Lodge, with a capacity attendance of Master Masons.

       Mayor Charles G. Heniger made a proclamation that the week of November 15 through 24,1954, was to be observed as "Masonic Week".

       The new location was dedicated by the Grand Master Raymond C. Ellis December 14th,1955. Growing to two hundred eighty six members they continued their meetings there until the fire in 1983.

       In February, 1983, the Lodge, at 199 Milton Avenue, was severely damaged by  a fire. We gratefully accepted the offer of Rising Sun #103, Saratoga, to hold our meetings there during the crisis. It was decided we could use the insurance settlement and savings to rebuild  and maintain its exquisite Oak woodwork, and staircase. Unfortunately the continued increase in property taxes caused the sale of that building, in 1997. Rising Sun Lodge #103, in Saratoga, again offered their Lodge Rooms for our use until 2008, when we moved our meetings, again, to the Town of Milton. We moved back into the village of Ballston Spa in March of 2012, to our previous location at 25 Hyde Blvd.

       On November 6th,2017, Franklin Lodge #90 merged with Unity Lodge #22. The new Lodge is known as Franklin Lodge #22 F&AM. We meet the 2nd &4th Thursdays.

      In the winter 2023 we were joined by the Saratoga Masonic Hall Association to work on expanding our meeting room. It was ultimately determined that the property was not condusive to our thoughts. On August 31,2023 we jointly purchased the "Old Train Station" owned by Arpey Construction Co. We are currently creating a new Lodge Building and redesigning office/storage areas. We will enjoy this wonderful location, our neighbors and the adjoining wooded property for years to come.

       For more than two hundred years Franklin Lodge #90 and Unity Lodge #22 have been engaged in advancing the sublime teachings and principles of the order. Franklin Lodge #22 today occupies a high position among the Lodges of Upstate New York for the excellence of the work and close adherence to the ancient landmarks of Freemasonry. May it ever be thus and Franklin Lodge #22 honor itself and benefit the Fraternity and our Local Community, by transmitting unimpaired to future generations the most excellent tenets of our institution.