Up coming classes for Jefferson-Lewis District
JEFFERSON-LEWIS about 1 month ago

My Brothers, these are the dates for classes that you must have in order to become Master of your lodge or a District Officer, these classes are open to any Master Mason in the District, does not matter where you are in your lodge, if you plan on moving up in the seats these classes are for you, you must register for these classes with the District Staff Officer R :. W :. Craig Howard, at 315 - 489 - 4228, or his E-Mail address is  e7howie@Yahoo.com,  these classes are for you, and you must attend the first class for instruction to, either go on line to take the class or doing it in person, if you take the courses on line, your work will have to be checked and approved at certain steps in order for you to progress in the class by either R:.W:. Craig H, DSO or R:.W:. Mike B, DDGM

Masonic Development Course

March 1, 2025   9am to 10am   Instruction on Materials

Road to the East

April 5, 2025  9am to 10 am   Instruction on Materials

Masters Chair

May 3, 2025   9am to 10 am   Instruction on Materials