From your District Team we want to wish all Veterans, both active and retired, Masonic and non-Masonic, a very happy Veterans days, because without you we wouldn't have the freedoms we have, and w...
From the District Team, we would all like to wish all of our brothers and sisters, friends and Family a very happy Holiday, please drive safe and have a great time. Please remember our soldiers her...
Your District Team hopes this finds you all doing well, We also would like to wish all of our Brothers, Sisters and their families and all of our friends, a very safe and Happy Holidays, please kee...
Brethren and Officers of the Jefferson Lewis District:Did you know that we have created a Scottish Rite Club in the Jefferson Lewis District!!! We are based out of the Valley of Syracuse but meet ...
My brothers, there are a lot of courses to take here, your access code to get into HIRAM is MM2024, if you have any problems please contact R:. W:. Craig Howard, 315 - 489 - 4228
My Brothers, these are the dates for classes that you must have in order to become Master of your lodge or a District Officer, these classes are open to any Master Mason in the District, does not m...
We are in the beginning stages of establishing a Masonic Ham Radio Net. The purpose of the net would be to combine, brotherly love, fellowship, and learning more about communications technologies a...