The Lodge had its highs and lows over the following years. In 1904, a charter was given to Aquehonga Lodge No. 906 F & AM. Many of the original members of this Lodge had been members of Richmond Lodge. On July 11, 1925, a special communication was called to lay the cornerstone of the new Temple 120 Anderson Avenue. The Grand Master and 32 Grand Lodge officers joined over a thousand Masons, in columns of marchers 400 of whom were Richmond Lodge members. Because of the hardships caused by the great depression and World War II, it was necessary for the Lodge to move out of the Anderson Avenue Temple on February 1, 1943. This building is now the CYO headquarters on Staten Island.
However, in 1956, the Lodge purchased Svea Hall as a home 789 Post Avenue. After many years the building needed renovations that the Lodge could not afford so the building was sold in 1980 and the Lodge moved its meeting site to the Tottenville Masonic Temple. Svea Hall is was the Mandalay Catering Hall and Alzheimer’s Foundation is Staten Island.
Masonic Temple.