(At some point in the past the street was called Westchester Ave)
11 Carpenter Ave, Mount Kisco, NY 10549
To get from Kisco Train Station to 11 Carpenter Ave, Mount Kisco, NY 10549, follow these steps:
- Exit the Train Station and head west toward N. Bedford Rd (which is the main road).
- Turn right (north) onto N. Bedford Rd and continue walking towards the intersection.
- After walking a short distance, you should reach the intersection with Carpenter Ave.
- Turn left onto Carpenter Ave and continue walking south.
- 11 Carpenter Ave will be on your right-hand side.
It’s only a short walk, around 0.3 miles (about 5 minutes). If you'd prefer to drive or take a taxi, the distance is about a 1-minute drive.
To get from Lower Westchester to 11 Carpenter Ave, Mount Kisco, NY 10549, here are the general directions, depending on your specific starting location in Lower Westchester (e.g., Yonkers, New Rochelle, or White Plains). Here’s a common route:
Directions (from White Plains, as an example):
Get on I-287 W from Main St and N Broadway:
- Head west on Main St toward Mamaroneck Ave.
- Take a left onto N Broadway.
- Follow signs for I-287 W/Tappan Zee Bridge.
Take I-287 W to Bedford Rd in Mount Kisco:
- Merge onto I-287 W.
- Continue for about 10-12 miles on I-287 W.
- Take Exit 6 for Bedford Rd toward Route 117.
Turn left onto Bedford Rd:
- At the exit ramp, turn left onto Bedford Rd (Route 117).
Continue to Carpenter Ave:
- After about 1 mile, turn right onto Carpenter Ave.
- 11 Carpenter Ave will be on your left after about 0.2 miles.
This route will take approximately 20–30 minutes depending on traffic.
If you're coming from a different area of Lower Westchester, let me know and I can adjust the directions!
To get from Upper Westchester to 11 Carpenter Ave, Mount Kisco, NY 10549, I'll assume you're coming from a place like Chappaqua, Armonk, or another location in the northern part of Westchester County. Here are the general directions from Chappaqua (a typical upper Westchester starting point):
Directions (from Chappaqua, as an example):
Get on Route 120 S (North Bedford Rd):
- Head south on Route 120 S (North Bedford Rd) toward King Street.
- Stay on Bedford Rd for about 2.5 miles.
Turn left onto Carpenter Ave:
- After approximately 2.5 miles, turn left onto Carpenter Ave.
Continue on Carpenter Ave:
- Continue down Carpenter Ave for a short distance (about 0.2 miles).
Arrive at 11 Carpenter Ave:
- 11 Carpenter Ave will be on your right-hand side.
Estimated time and distance:
- Distance: Around 3-4 miles (about 10 minutes drive depending on traffic).
If you're starting from another part of Upper Westchester, just let me know and I can adjust the directions accordingly!